Thursday, May 26, 2016

How You Gonna Win If You Ain't Right Within?

 Sooooo this is my first blog beside Tumblr and I am super excited to have a place to release all my thoughts. I am a Virgo and we are known to keep everything bottled in so this will be my place of serene.

I am currently sitting outside on my patio in Houston listening to the Lauryn Hill pandora and it really has me thinking what is really going on with the world. Besides all of the turmoil they call politics what happened to the REAL music. Lauryn Hill's x Do Wop (About a thing) came on and it made me sad because we do not have that type of music anymore. Nothing to empower these young black KINGS and QUEENS. Her line "How you gonna win when you ain't right within" has always touched me. It is so simple yet so powerful. 

How do you expect to be successful and truly happy when you are not living right? You cannot contradict your life by saying one thing but doing another.  I notice this so much with my generation you go on social media and see everyone trying to preach about this and that but in person you know that is not who they are. How are you preaching to others but your life is in shambles? I feel that everyone just needs to take a step back and look at themselves..truly look at themselves and ask if this is the person I want to be or is this the best I can be. 

I always make time to step back and look at my life and see if I am on the path that I want to be on not what others want me to be on or what may be the popular path. 

You hear all the time be yourself but no one is TRULY being themselves. 

Now I am not saying that I have never been a victim of saying one thing and doing another but I knew I needed to change because I was not being my true authentic self. I am slowly working on myself day by day and I see a change in my attitude, my body, my mind, and spirit. And day by day my life is becoming better because I am living for myself. Now I will not lie and say it is easy because it is not when you live in a world where everyone is constantly comparing themselves to others. This makes it hard to be satisfied with yourself but you must remember everyone is fighting their own battles and just because someone may seem as though they have everything does not mean they are truly happy. You have to be happy with what you have not what you do not. 

That is one of my current dilemmas now but I WILL overcome it and RISE and so will YOU 


Phillippians 4:11
"I am not saying this out of need, for I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstance."

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